Introducing my video series Practicing The Presence of God! In this series, you will learn how to take your relationship with God to deeper levels. The journey will be eye-opening as I guide you through ancient Christian methods of prayer and meditation that are surprisingly relevant in today’s world.

To watch the Trailer, click below:

Session 1 introduces the concept of Practicing the Presence through Scripture references and Kelli’s own personal journey in her relationship with Jesus Christ. Watch the Trailer Here:

View Session One:


In Session 2, "Inviting The Holy Spirit," Kelli shows you how to prepare yourself for an experience with God through deep breathing exercises and engaging a tool you may not have known you could use - your own imagination.

View Session Two:


In Session 3, "Centering Prayer," Kelli takes you through this ancient Christian practice of mediative contemplation and shows you how to focus your mind so you can embrace the silence and listen to God.

View Session Three:


In Session 4, "The Examen," Kelli walks you through another ancient Christian practice in which you will learn to reflect on the recent past and find God through all you have experienced. You will be able to use all the tools you have learned so that you can Practice The Presence of God moment by moment, day by day.

View Session Four: